About us
IGEA Consultores

We are a company with more than 20 years of experience in the Civil Engineering and Transport sectors. We have are of professionals with a broad curriculum in these fields and in other areas of Engineering


ingenieria civil igea consultores

Drafting of Civil Engineering Projects

calculo estructuras igea consultores

Structure Design and Calculation

Proyectos y Obras igea consultores

Technical Consulting on Projects and Construction

IGEA Consultores

IGEA Consultores is a Spanish Engineering and Consulting firm that, since its creation in 1999, has carried out civil engineering projects and construction works management of these projects. Along with feasibility studies for special transports, geotechnical and geological studies, technical assistance for projects and construction works, calculation of road and railway bridge structures.

At IGEA Consultores we are a great team of professionals with extensive experience in the preparation, management and execution of projects, as well as in the technical advice of companies and public bodies.

At IGEA Consultores we are fully committed to both quality and the environment in all of the projects we take part in.

We are able to provide the entire scope that our services cover. From the initial data collection to the arrangements for the implementation of the project, through the documentation processes and analysis of solutions to specific problems. As well as the adaptation of all these services to environmental improvement and greater efficiency and sustainability.

In order to guarantee the quality demanded by our clients, at IGEA Consultores we have implemented, in the engineering and consulting activity, an Environmental Management System, according to the UNE-EN-ISO 14001 Standard, which was certified by AENOR in May 2016, with the registration number GA-2016/0082. In addition to a Quality Management System, according to UNE-EN-ISO 9001, which was certified by AENOR in May 2016, with the registration number ER-0216 / 2’16.

What distinguishes us


Over 20 years of experience

In the civil engineering and transportation sector. We are a group of professionals with a broad curriculum in these fields and in many other engineering fields.


Team of professionals

Our team is formed by Civil Engineers, Agricultural and Computer Engineers. Also  Public Works Engineers, Agricultural and Survey Engineers. As well as Geologists and Environmental Science Bachelors, Lawyers, Draftsmen and Office Staff.

igea consultores bridge image



“Over 20 years of experience, and more than 100 clients guarantee our commitment, professionalism and confidentiality”

Gabriel vázquez – igea consultores